Hobo is a spine-chilling action game developed and published by Seething Swarm in 2008. The game unfolds with the actions of a homeless person living on the streets who uses all kinds of means to start random fights with random strangers or other homeless ones.
• Move: Use arrow keys to manipulate movement.
• Run: Double-tap the left or right arrow key.
• Punch: Press key A.
• Kick: Press key S.
• Pick-up: For pick-up items on the road, press key A.
The gameplay will be Hobo in such a way that a player will hold the main protagonist to walk through different parts of the city and initiate street fights with anyone who happens to cross paths with them. The main objective of the game is to stay alive and go on as long as possible with special and general attack moves like throws and combos. With progress through this level, new combos and also special attacks are acquired: spitting, or even vomiting, on the opponent.
Hobo is not only a fun game, but also a nostalgia trip to the halcyon days of flash games. With a very unique, funny, and particularly challenging gameplay, Hobo has conquered the hearts of millions of players around the globe.